Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Focus and scope of Journal BIA’:

  1. Biblical Study
  2. Gospel and Culture
  3. Church and Society
  4. Dynamic of Christian Education
  5. Research of Practical Theology
  6. Contextual Music


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Every article submitted to BIA': Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Kontekstual will be screened by the editorial team based on the focus and scope of the journal, as well as the author guidelines. The next step is to send the manuscript to peer reviewers through a double-blind review process. Based on peer reviewer recommendations, the editor will decide whether the manuscript is accepted, revised, or rejected. The main materials that form the basis of the assessment are the substance of the manuscript and technical aspects. Editorial highly appreciates the review process of peer reviewers who have helped improve the quality of writing.


Publication Frequency

Publishes twice in a year on June and December


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Plagiarism Check

To avoid plagiarism in article, editors carry out a check using Plagiarism Checker or Turnitin, and also using search engine. For manuscript published, the tolerance limit is 20%. 


Journal Archiving

Open Journal Systems supports the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) system to ensure secure and permanent preservation of your journal. You have several options for including your journal in a LOCKSS network:


Publication Ethics

For Editor

  1. Publication Decision: Editor has right to accept, reject or ask some improvements of the manuscript which has been sent by author based on the reviewer and journal selingkung. Editors can be guided by the policy of editorial boards of journal and can be limited by legal requirements related to defamation, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. Related to the manuscript decision, editorial team can communicate with another editor in decision making of the manuscript. Editorial team responsible for every manuscript published.
  2. Manuscript Review: Editor conducts initial review as a process to confirm that every manuscript within the journal should use the selingkung style of journal. Editor ensures the process of peer review is running wisely, fairly and confidentially. Editor should send the manuscript to reviewer in related fields and it is free from conflict of interest. Editor should ensure that the process of peer reviewer is using double blinded.
  3. Fair Play:Every manuscript should be accepted based on the weight of the contents without consider gender, race, religion, nationality, and others from the author.
  4. Confidentiality: Editor should have obligation to keep the confidentiality from the authors’ information.
  5. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Every decision towards the manuscript based on the approval from the author, editor and redactor should be free from every form of conflict of interest.

For Reviewer

  1. Contribution to Editorial Decisions: Peer Reviewergives review in order to give consideration to the editor decision and also to improve the paper quality. Reviewer can give consideration based on the objective assessment from the manuscript assigned by editor.
  2. Confidentiality: Reviewers should maintain the confidentiality values of the manuscript reviewed. Every manuscript assigned by the editor must be confidential and should be used as it should. The confidentiality of manuscript obliges reviewer not discussing or even asking the personal data from author without editor permission.  
  3. Standards of Objectivity: Reviewer should conduct the review process objectively without any interest or influence from other parties. Reviewer should give notes for the manuscript based on the clear arguments and supporting those statements.
  4. Recognition Source: Reviewer should be able to ensure all data sources utilised by author are valid and accountable. Reviewer should be able to inform the editor if finding discrepancies or deviation on publication ethics like the use of irrelevant data, the plagiarism of the published works, the discrepancy on multiple duplication, or the other suspicion with the right argumentation. 
  5. Conflict of Interest: Various data related with the process of peer review should maintain each confidentiality and not for personal interest. Evaluation review by reviewer should be free from conflict of interest and hence can produce the quality and competitive manuscript.    
  6. Punctuality: Reviewer should conduct the review based on the deadline given by the editor. If there is an obstacle in the process of peer review then the reviewer should inform the editor to find another reviewer.
  7. Unrelated Field: Reviewers assigned to the field which is unrelated to their field of study can inform the editor to reject the review process. 


For Author:

  1. Report Standard: Author should submit the accurate and original research within the article. Every report made by the author is not manipulative, dishonest and inappropriate data, however, it should present the actual data. Manuscript should have the rules of scientific works and has credible sources which allow others to develop that works. Various form of discrepancies presented by author cannot be accepted by Journal manager.  
  2. Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication: Author cannot do submission with the same manuscript to more than one journal at the same time. This phenomenon is unethical action and cannot be accepted. The main objective of publications from research projects should be identified and that, it does not produce multiple publication.
  3. Originality of Manuscript and Plagiarism: Author should ensure that every work written is original work. Author should use the right citation procedure if citing works of others.
  4. Acknowledgement of Sources: Author should give acknowledgement towards data sources used in scientific manuscript by using citation. This becomes the form of acknowledgement to the works of others which should be always conducted in the procedure of scientific work. 
  5. Authorship of the Article: Every individual in authorship should representatively reflect accuracy and contribution in the work and report of certain works. Authorship should be limited to those who sincerely have made significant contribution in writing and doing their works. Every author who has worked significantly, should be listed in the authorship. Every author has approved the final version of the paper for publication.  
  6. Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest:Author should be able to disclose all possible types of conflicts of interests in their manuscript and any financial problem that might be construed to influence the interpretation of their manuscript. All sources of financial support for the project should be disclosed.
  7. Fundamental Errors in published works: When an author discovers a significant error related to the published work, then the author should notify the editor to conduct handling steps to retract or correct the paper.